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arouse by dosist - formula pod [200 doses]




CBD 6.8%

THC 67.8%


arouse by dosist is a 10:1 thc to cbd formula combining the best of the plant’s sensory-enhancing cannabinoids and botanical terpenes into one targeted formulation to help awaken your senses and stimulate your mind naturally. -- The dosist™ formula pod contains 200 doses/500mg and is part of the dose pen™ rechargeable system. It works exclusively with the dose controller (sold separately).


WARNING: Smoking cannabis increases your cancer risk and during pregnancy exposes your child to delta-9-THC and other chemicals that can affect your child’s birthweight, behavior, and learning ability.
WARNING: Consuming products during pregnancy exposes your child to delta-9-THC, which can affect your child’s behavior and learning ability.
WARNING: Vaping or dabbing products during pregnancy exposes your child to delta-9-THC, which can affect your child’s behavior and learning ability.
WARNING: Using transdermal products during pregnancy exposes your child to delta-9-THC, which can affect your child’s behavior and learning ability.
WARNING: A spent cannabis cartridge shall be properly disposed of as hazardous waste at a household hazardous waste facility or other approved facility. An empty integrated cannabis vaporizer shall be properly disposed of as hazardous waste at a household hazardous waste collection facility or other approved facility.
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